Three Personalities Hardwired to Fail at Dieting

Now or later, you will pay for your health. Investing in your wellbeing will not only impact your time on earth but also can set a trend for your family for generations to come. It is so EASY to hide behind a dollar sign as the reason you are not joining a gym, making healthier choices at the grocery store, or hiring a nutrition coach to help you where you are so obviously failing. Cheap transformations, crash diets, and fads DO NOT work and are purpose built for you to fail so you keep coming back for more. So YOU continue to be the problem.

My approach to nutrition coaching doesn’t focus on your failures but instead giving you the tools to succeed, not just during our time together but in the long term. I want you to walk away from my program with so much confidence that you NEVER have to sign up again. For this to work, there is a lot of give and take in the relationship we are forming. It not only requires trust in me and in the process, but also rewiring some personality traits that disable your ability to sustain your goals for a lifetime. Before we get started, its’ always good to take some time for introspection and become aware if you related to any of the following:

The Perfectionist

Needs immediate gratification or will feel a sense of failure

Finds it difficult to trust the process (some weeks may be better than others)

Experiences overwhelming sense of failure after minor setbacks, whether that be in the gym, on the scale, or personal life interfering with goals

The Impatient Person

Needs immediate gratification or will give up on the process

Plays the blame game and finds it difficult to take ownership

Easily frustrated by setbacks or lulls in success

The Know-It-All

Finds it difficult to take advice, especially anything that contradicts what has worked for them in the past

Thinks they do not need nutrition coaching to begin with so meets all recommendations with a sense of defiance

Quick to dismiss new practices they have not tried before or have heard about before
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